Sunday, May 19, 2019

Your friend, Caroline

Hi friends,

About a decade year ago, a guy I was dating said he really liked me but he thought we'd be better off as friends.

"Thank you, but I have enough friends," I said.

Over time, he wore me down and we had a weekly dinner at a neighborhood gem. One particular evening we (mostly me) were talking about restaurants and he said "You know what you should do?"

With one eyebrow raised, I asked him, "What should I do?"

"You should have a service where you help guys navigate restaurants. Where to take a date or a client, and what to order once you're there. You're so good at it and it would help tremendously."

"Oh, you want me to help you?" I asked.

The answer was yes.

And that's how "Your friend, Caroline" came about. Do you have a date and don't know where to go? Ask your friend, Caroline, she'll have an idea for you.

It stuck and became a place where I could do a bit of PR for the places and restaurants that I like.

Talking about restaurants and food is one of my favorite pastimes for as long as I can remember. I'm always thinking about my next meal, reading a menu and making reservations all over the world. But above that, the relationships I've cultivated from being a regular is what I really love.

What I miss about Philadelphia especially living in Old City was whenever I would walk my dog, a tourist would stop me and ask where they should go to eat.

They had no idea they were about to hit the food suggestion jackpot with me only influenced by their answers to my questions: Do you want a BYO or a bar? What type of food? What do you want to spend? Location preference?

So, I'm going to refocus on this (yes, I've said this before) and see what happens.

Thank you for reading. If you have any places I should try, let me know. And, if you go to any place I talk about, please share it with me.

Your friend,

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